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After suffering a family tragedy, Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression causing him to question his innermost beliefs.

[Call to register] Webinar for media in lead up to World Heart Day 2016

[Watch webinar recording] [Listen/ download audio podcast] We welcome you to register for an exclusive media webinar in lead up to this year's World Heart Day. It is almost a year now since our governments committed to reduce mortality related to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) by one-third by 2030. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) - heart disease and stroke - are top killers - causing over 17 million deaths every year worldwide!

[Watch webinar recording

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Experts from the World Heart Federation, Department of Cardiology, King George's Medical University (KGMU) and International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) will present and respond to questions live!
  • Date: Tuesday, 20th September 2016
  • Time: 1:00pm Geneva Time, 12 noon London Time, 1pm Durban Time, 7:00am New York/ Boston Time, 4:30pm Indian Standard Time, 6pm Thailand time (check for your local time)
  • Duration: 60 minutes

To register, click here 

About the Experts:
  • Moderator: Ashok Ramsarup, noted award-winning commentator and former senior programme producer, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
  • Co-moderator: Shobha Shukla, Managing Editor, CNS (Citizen News Service)
[Watch webinar recording

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To register, click here

CNS Webinars Team


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